Welcome to Philip Lykke Søby in the position Resource Manager

We are pleased to announce that on 1 April 2022, we are hiring Philip Lykke Søby in the full-time position as Resource Manager.

Philip has been a part-time employee at Graff Growing since the end of 2017, and he is just about to complete his Bachelor degree in Nature and Agricultural management – Plant production.

Philips' areas of responsibility at Graff Growing include control and management of all resources in production, production planning and work planning.

Throughout his education, Philip has a lot of experience with MPS, which we will utilize in his position as Resource Manager - he will be responsible for everything within the environment both internally and externally at Graff Growing. In addition, Philip is the one who is responsible for all contact with the authorities.

When hiring Philip, we focus on resource optimization and meet the future requirements for companies within the working environment, environment and energy.

We all welcome Philip!

Gert Graff, CEO